
Early Bird tickets on sale from 15 May to 22 June, when all tickets are on sale for everyone at student prices. Advance tickets sold until 2 hours before each concert.
Check out the combination tickets!

Delivery fee and handling fee:
A €1.00-€2.00 delivery fee and handling fee is added to the selling price of the ticket, depending on the price of the ticket per ticket, not the purchase transaction.
Payment method commission 3% for the following payment methods: Edenred, Epassi, Smartum, Provision due to payment method 3% from following: Edenred, Epassi, Smartum, 4% PayPal.

Only cards and cash are accepted at the door of the event venues, not cultural vouchers!

Vanha 123 K-18
Vanha Pantteri S / K-18 evening gigs from 21->
Porvoo Art Hall S


Vanha 123 and Vanha Pantteri
discount price: Student, pensioner, unemployed

Porvoo Art Hall
Middle price: Student, pensioner, unemployed Lowest price: Children 6-17v (0-5v for free)

Only cards and cash are accepted at the door of the event venues, not cultural vouchers!

Fri 27.9. 20.00 Joonatan Henriksson Quintet // Expand concert A),K-18
Sat 28.9. 19.00 Karmen Rõivassepp Quartet // Lampen (concert D) K-18
Early Bird Tickets (on sale before 22.6.) 25€
Advance Ticket 30/25€
Ticket from venue 35€

Fri 27.9. 22.30 Arppa K-18
or sat 28.9. 22.00 Dalindéo K-18
Early Bird Tickets (on sale until 22.6.) 20€
Advance ticket 25/20€
Ticket from the venue 30€

Sat 28.9. 14 Jazz+Ping Pong w/Born2Bingo No age limit
Early Bird Tickets (on sale until 22.6.) 10€
Advance ticket 15/10€
Ticket from the venue 20€

Childrens concert Henna ja Supersankarit sun 29.9. 13.00
Early Bird tickets 5€, Childrens tickets in advance and from the venue 10€, adults and babies 0-1y free entrance


Thu 26.9. 18.30 Pauli Lyytinen Solo (concert A) No age limit
Sat 28.9. 16.30 Seppo Kantonen Trio (concert F) No age limit
Sun 29.9. 16.00 Porvoo Jazz Festival x Avanti (concert J) no age limit
Early Bird Tickets (on sale until 22.6.) 10€
Advance ticket 15/10€
Ticket from the venue 20€

Friday pass includes Concerts: Vanha 123 (C) + Vanha Pantteri (D)
Early Bird Tickets (on sale until 22.6.) 40€
Advance ticket 45/40€
Ticket from the venue 55€

Saturday pass, includes all the events of saturday 28.9.: Vanha Pantteri (E & H) Taidehalli (F) + Vanha 123 (G)
Early Bird Tickets (on sale until 22.6.) 55€
Advance ticket 65/55€
From the venue 70€

Saturday evening ticket, includes concerts : Vanha 123 (G), Vanha Pantteri (H)
Early Bird Tickets (on sale until 22.6.) 40€
Advance tickets 45/40€
Tickets from the venue 55€

Festival pass, includes all the festival concerts 2024
Early Bird Tickets (on sale until 22.6.) 110€
Advance ticket 120€
Ticket from the venue 135€


Get your tickets through our vendors. The organizer doesn’t take responsibility for the lost tickets. In case of cancellation that is due to our festival, the customer can get a refund for the ticket. All rights reserved. Service fees are not included in the refund. All rights reserved.